Outlook for plastics prices

Development in 4th quarter 2021 + 1st quarter 2022

All plastics prices have increased by a high percentage since the beginning of the year, as we have already reported in detail. Now it is time to look towards the end of the year and beyond.

Although the prices of standard plastics have decreased slightly in the last 2 months, the prices of specialty plastics, such as metallocene (C8), UV stabilizers, white color batch (titanium dioxide) have increased significantly. Freight and energy costs will also continue to rise until the end of the year, thus increasing the cost of formulating almost all agricultural plastics.

It is not yet possible to estimate exactly what the price development will look like for the first quarter of 2022, but there will hardly be a price decline. However, we expect costs to rise slightly in the spring of 2022


Those who have available storage space, and the necessary capital should order part of their requirements for the coming season as early as the fourth quarter of 2021, in order to provide for possible price increases and capacity bottlenecks. Those who wait too long with their purchase decision can get into supply difficulties.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and will contact you as soon as there is new information to report.

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