Our Blog

We help you to preserve and store feed and grain
with the most modern silage bag technology and
BUDISSA BAGGER ® made in Germany.

Time of Sugar beet pulp

Time of Sugar beet pulp

Time of Sugar beet pulpWhen the sugar beet harvest begins, the sugar factories also start processing. The production of sugar requires a lot of energy, which is currently an...

The season starts these days

The season starts these days

The season starts these daysThe ensiling season starts in early/mid-May. Rye gras and also alfalfa are ensiled before the field or meadow grass. The correct cutting time is...

Plastics prices update

Plastics prices update

... for the 1st quarter of 2022 andOutlook for the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2022Plastics prices 1. quarter 2022:A price relaxation is still not in sight. At the end of December,...

Review 2021

Review 2021

Agriculture 2021 and Prospects at 2022Agriculture 2021 and prospects for 2022 2021 in agriculture was marked by high corn yields and high grain prices...