Plastics prices update for 1. quarter 2022

Plastics prices update for 1. quarter 2022

Plastics prices update for 1. quarter 2022 Plastics prices 1. quarter 2022: A price relaxation is still not in sight. At the end of December, raw material manufacturers issued “Force Majeur” declarations that keep the prices of plastics rising. Some types of raw...
Review 2021

Review 2021

Review 2021 Agriculture 2021 and Prospects at 2022 Agriculture 2021 and prospects for 2022 2021 in agriculture was marked by high corn yields and high grain prices as well low pig and milk prices go hand in hand with increased energy and feed costs. This means that...
Outlook for plastics prices

Outlook for plastics prices

Outlook for plastics prices Development in 4th quarter 2021 + 1st quarter 2022 All plastics prices have increased by a high percentage since the beginning of the year, as we have already reported in detail. Now it is time to look towards the end of the year and...
Wet corn, what to do?

Wet corn, what to do?

Wet corn, what to do? Grind and store in a bag? Wet corn, what to do? For moist grain maize, only chemical preservation, ensiling or drying are possible alternatives. Havestore tower silos are often found in pig fattening systems because this enables fully automatic...
Supply situation for plastics remains strained

Supply situation for plastics remains strained

Supply situation for plastics remains strained   Plastics prices have risen by approx. +70% Plastics prices have risen sharply since the beginning of the year by approx. +70% compared to the previous year. We have already informed you about this in a previous blog....
Supply situation for plastics remains strained

Supply situation for plastics remains strained

Supply situation for plastics remains strained Plastics prices have risen by approx. +70%   Plastics prices have risen by approx. +70% Plastics prices have risen sharply since the beginning of the year by approx. +70% compared to the previous year. We have already...