Review 2021

Agriculture 2021 and Prospects at 2022

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Agriculture 2021 and prospects for 2022

2021 in agriculture was marked by high corn yields and high grain prices as well low pig and milk prices go hand in hand with increased energy and feed costs. This means that the result for mixed farms (agriculture / livestock farming) is not always positive.

The consequence will be (2022) that more and more financially interesting types of grain (wheat, canola …) will be cultivated in order to create a better result. The cost reduction through the storage of grain in BUDISSA BAGS is only one topic, but it is definitely a decisive one.

The automation in dairy production (milking robots) is intended to reduce costs. The reduction of livestock and the reduction of feeding costs, which make up over 30% of the total costs, will be decisive factors to influence the result. Especially with high-energy feed, storage in a BUDISSA BAG is a cost-effective solution to use more of the farms own feed.

Rely on more than 25 years of experience and inquire about the latest developments at BAG BUDISSA bag technology. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and have a happy new year.

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Jens Mildner